Solo Poly- Why are Women embracing this Relationship status

Solo Poly… Puzzled by this word? It’s short for Solopolyamory. If you’re still wondering what that is, this refers to women who choose to have multiple partners, rather than a primary anchor or partner for their emotional and physical needs. And this choice comes without guilt, shame or discomfort with woman being comfortable in her own skin.

Self Priority

A solo poly lifestyle has been embraced by both men and women, but more women have been vocal about this on social media and in their peer groups. Gabrielle Smith, writer and polyamory resource, posted: “Solo polyamory isn’t choosing to be selfies. It is choosing yourself first. This mantra is for all of us: we choose ourselves, our own paths, and our lives. We exist together with our partners, but separately in whatever terms determine our solo nature. For me. . . nothing was more healing than being loved while prioritising myself. ”

What is Solo Poly?

Solo poly or solo polyamory is when a person chooses to have multiple partners, physical or emotional, but chooses to prioritise themselves first. None of their partner send up on a relationship escalator, which could be marriage, co-inhabiting or anything serious.

Solo Poly: Lifestyle choice women are embracing

Last year, Willow Smith explained her relationship choices while appearing on a show with mom Jada Pinkett Smith. She said: “It’s about being able to have the freedom to create a relationship for yourself. With polyamory, I think the main foundation is the freedom to create a relationship style that works for you and not just stepping into monogamy,” she said.

Behind the Scene

“It could be a result of some trauma, either because of a bad relationship with parents or an early relationship in life was not what they expected it to be, leading to trust and boundary issues. However, it is also a lifestyle choice women have been emphatic about embracing, with no regrets,” says psychologist Dr Seema Hingoranny. Dr Seema says she has come across clients who choose to go solo poly and have no qualms about it. “These women are comfortable leading lives where they are content with themselves in their primary circle, while they choose to have multiple partners who are aware of this. I see this among well-travelled, independent women, as their primary focus is their career or their own well-being, without wanting any emotional baggage that will restrict them,” she observes.

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